Motorsports: milestone towards excellence
ELF’s engagement and passion for racing and motorsports has been in full throttle since 1967. Thanks to our partnerships with Moto GP and other racing teams, ELF has earned a worldwide reputation.
Thanks to tailor-made lubricants, racing stables in link with ELF are benefiting from the latest technological innovations elaborated in laboratories.
To meet the specific demands of high level competition, the teams of engineers and technicians at Total Additives and Special Fuels develop lubricants in order to obtain the best performance.ELF's competition products are a benchmark in the world of motorsport.
In partnership with the Solaize research centre in France and the Total Lubrifiants production engineering teams, Total Additives and Special Fuels develops and markets the full range of ELF HTX lubricants throughout the world.
The aim is to improve the engines performance: when research and development pave the ways to victories
Competition does matter about each single element capable of leading to victory. They all are subjects to very deep researches : engine, tires, chassis, but also lubricants, key components to the good functioning of the engine.
Since many years, TOTAL has developed partnerships with the major french racing stables in order the conceive tailor-made lubricants.

Endurance Moto
